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7647 - Mexico-Push Action Ball Plastic Pen


盛宝银行A/S是一家受欧盟监管的全球在线投资银行,总部位于哥本哈根,在全球各个金融中心,包括伦敦、新加坡、巴黎、苏黎世、迪拜和东京运营。盛宝集团强大而统一的业务网络遍布全球。 盛宝集团通过本地的销售和服务组织以及全球在线业务为180多个国家/地区的客户提供一流的服务。
Saxo Capital Markets Pte Ltd ordered the Mexico-Push Action Ball Plastic Pen as advertising souvenirs. A plastic pen features a sleek designed look with metallic finishing and silver tip. Stuff these colorful cheap branded pens in cups around the lobby and let visitors grab them and take them home. They'll remember your business name every time they pick up their pen. Plastic pens with your logo and company name are certain to be a success with your clients and customers as well as employees.
