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4124 - 迷你醒神喷水风扇


爱彼迎(英语:Airbnb)是一个让大众出租住宿民宿的网站,提供短期出租房屋或房间的服务。让旅行者可以通过网站或手机、发掘和预订世界各地的各种独特房源,为近年来共享经济发展的代表之一。该网站成立于2008年8月,公司总部位于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山,为一家私有公司,由“Airbnb, Inc.”负责管理营运。目前,爱彼迎在191个国家、65,000个城市中共有超过3,000,000笔房源。
Airbnb Singapore Private Limited specially ordered a kind of mini fan from Source EC.And in the activity which was held by airbnb, the product would be given for the people for free. This activity is based on the theme of outdoor sports, which mainly to create a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere, and make the people feel theirselves back to the nature.Actually,it certainly expresss the ideas of health and low-carbon,and makes the Environmental,natural,low-carbon life concept deeply in consumers' minds. All in all,this design was based on blue surface to fix with the natural style appropriately.And with clear print on it,which can precisely in line with the company’s promotional requirements.Thereforce, this mini water spray fan is not only for publicizing but also convenient and practical to use.
