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837 - 计步器


女皇镇浸信教会(QBC)成立初期,正好处在新加坡历史中政治和社会变迁的时期。教会的历史反映了上帝在QBC的萌芽时期的保护,祂让新开发的Dawson Estate的居民不断涌入,荣耀归给上帝。大家相信伟大的上帝会继续保守教会,并在未来的日子使用大家成为祂活生生的见证人。
QBC ordered the pedometer as gift. This pedometer counts steps when it vertically moves. In case the user is on bus and don't need to count step, they can close or restart the step-counting function by the following operation: keep pressing Mode button, and press Reset button for more than three seconds, the step-counting function will be closed. It is easy to tie with the waistband. Buy Multifunctional Electronic Digital Pedometer Step Counter to meet your hobby.
