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3788 - 钥匙形USB手指


曼尼通(MANITOU)集团成立于1958年,是越野物料搬运设备领域的全球领导者,也是越野型叉车的发明者。 曼尼通集团主要致力于建筑、农业、工业三大领域物料搬运设备的发展,集团拥有最全面的产品系列:越野伸缩臂叉装车、高空作业平台、越野叉车、滑移装载机、挖掘装载机(两头忙)、车载式叉装车。
Manitou Asia Pte. Ltd. customized the key shape USB flash drive as custom gifts. The triangle shaped Key USB flash drive is designed like an ordinary key, and can fit with any key ring or key holder. Made of thin metal, light body and small size, even can be customized with your company name and logo on the surface of the device. It is an extremely convenient, functional, eco-friendly tool. You will be absolutely satisfied with its quality and volume. If you go into business, you can imprint the brand on one side, while the company or product name on the other side. This design is very fit with promotion, while you using it, it can attract eyeballs whose anyone saw it.
